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G9 Agricultura science 2017

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The diagram below shows a farmer carrying out a practice on young animals.

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Study the list of nutrients below carefully. 1 Nitrogen
2 Manganese
3 Phosphorus
4 Magnesium
5 Potassium
6 Boron.Which of the above nutrients are required by plants in small amounts?

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A farmer decided to propagate fruits using the method shown below instead of planting seeds.

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reduce production of both animals and crops.

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It is important for farmers to diversify crop and animal production in order to ....

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What is the function of the structure labelled X in the traditional grain storage below?

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The composition of various sized particles of soil is called ....

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The table below shows a farm record.

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Which of the following is a variable cost?

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What is the main use of a sub soiler in farming?

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Learners in a certain school grew some rape on a one hectare piece of land. They used the following: - 4 x 50kg bags fertilizer at K400 per bag
- K200 on transport
- K500 on pesticides and herbicides
After selling all the vegetables, they got a total of K4,000. The project made a ....

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After using a hoe, a farmer washed it, dried it and hang it in the tool shed. This was done to prevent it from

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As learners were spraying vegetables in their school garden, they were seen moving the part labelled Q up and down.

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Which crop in Zambia is grown for livestock feed and for export?

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Which of the following is a list of legumes which can be included in a vegetable rotation?

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Which of the following pairs of crops can be transplanted?

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The diagram below shows the digestive system of a chicken.

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Which list below shows conditions favourable in an incubator?

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Which of the following is the correct depth to sow maize in moist soil?

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Maize grows well under average temperature of ....

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Use urea as a fertilizer

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A soil chemist tested soil from a school garden using a pH scale machine and the reading was as shown below.

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During the breeding period, temperature must be kept between ....

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Which of the following fertilisers is used as top dressing in maize?

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Concrete blocks are made from a mixture of ....

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Dairy farmers normally wean off their calves early as not doing so results in ....

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Cattle that have swollen hooves with smelling pus can be treated by ....

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The main function of the Veterinary department is to ….

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A farmer planted the same variety of maize on four plots of land and carried out the activities shown in the table below. The information in the table above shows that weeding in the first week after germination was ....

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Study the diagram below. What is the plan above showing?

Study the diagram below. What is the plan above showing?

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In a certain pig enterprise, pigs rushed to eat soil whenever they went out of the pig pen. A grade 9 agricultural science learner advised the farmer to give piglets ration rich in ....

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The disease in groundnuts which causes stunted and bushy growth is ....

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How long does it take for a chicken egg to hatch?

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Seeds are dressed with chemicals before planting in order to ....

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Below is a picture of a type of soil. Name the type of soil shown above.

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A farmer planted 50 seeds of maize and only 35 germinated. Find the germination percentage.

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Most farmers can improve the yield of most crops by ....

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Which of the following is a main agricultural activity in Zambia?

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