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G9 Art and design 2019

1 / 10

In Book Designing or making, there are several methods used.
From the options given below pick one method which is not applicable to book designing.

2 / 10

A mosaic which is made out of millet or sorghum is known as .... mosaic.

3 / 10

Which one of the following method is not used to make sculpture pieces in Art and Design?

4 / 10

Weaving is mainly done on a machine called ....

5 / 10

Listed below are some of the shading techniques in Art and Design
which one of the following is not a shading technique?

6 / 10

.... is a form of craft making done by knotting.

7 / 10

How many secondary colours are on the colour wheel?

8 / 10

.... is not a category of performing Arts.

9 / 10

A teacher for Art and Design arranged different types of kitchen utensils for the pupils to draw.
What do you call such type of drawing?

10 / 10

A painting looking exactly as it is in real life is referred to as .... painting.

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