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G9 Social studies 2019

1 / 53

Which of the following organs of the United Nations is responsible for settling
disputes among member states?

2 / 53

In 2002, the regional organisation mentioned in question 58 rebranded itself by
changing its name and objectives to the current ones. Which of the following is
one of the new objectives?

3 / 53

Study the emblem below and answer the questions that follow.
Which regional organisation uses the emblem shown in the picture above?

4 / 53

An attempt to wipe out an area of the unwanted ethnic grouping using
deportation, intimidation or mass murder is referred to as ....

5 / 53

Mr Shunga has been fined for over speeding. When his friend, a senior traffic
police officer learnt about the fine, he cancelled the fine. This is an example of ....

6 / 53

Which of the following can help increase the number of women participation in
decision making positions?

7 / 53

The right to education is an example of .... category of human rights.

8 / 53

Local trade is the buying and selling of goods and services within a country.
What is the other name for the type of trade described above?

9 / 53

In the year 2000, the inflation rate in Zambia was 32%. This means that an
item that cost K25.00 in 1999 will cost .... in 2000.

10 / 53

Who is the head of the House of Chiefs? Chairperson

11 / 53

Which of the following is a diplomatic function of the Executive?

12 / 53

What name is given to the paper that shows names and symbols of
candidates during elections?

13 / 53

Which of following is a disadvantage of One Party Political system?

14 / 53

Which of the following is not an example of a patriotic citizen?

15 / 53

A characteristic of good governance which requires that every citizen
regardless of their status be treated equally before the law is called ....

16 / 53

If a government official performs an act not allowed by the Constitution,
the act is said to be ....

17 / 53

The country‟s motto is “One Zambia, One Nation” which emphasises the need for ....

18 / 53

What was the main aim of the British policy for African education?

19 / 53

Civic Education covers a lot of issues that are of concern to the communities
such as violence or drug abuse. This is an example of

20 / 53

Between 1964 and 2014, Zambia has been ruled by ....

21 / 53

The two famous leaders of the Central African Federation from 1953 and 1963 were ....

22 / 53

Which of the following treaties was signed between Lobengula and the Boers?

23 / 53

Why did Africans resist colonialism? Because ….

24 / 53

In which year did the explorer who explored the named Niger River?

25 / 53

Which explorer was responsible for the exploration of the Niger River?

26 / 53

Which countries below were jointly called the „slave coast‟?

27 / 53

Name two kingdoms associated with the Chewa people.

28 / 53

Where did the Chewa establish their capital?

29 / 53

The most dominant Bantu groups in the northern Zambia by the
17th and 18th centuries were ....

30 / 53

mong the Ila, inheritance was through matrilineal lines. In this case when a
man dies, he was supposed to be succeeded by his

31 / 53

What are the current names of the areas Axum and Kush on the map?

32 / 53

What tool did the San (Bushmen) people use for digging?

33 / 53

Study the map below and answer questions 22 and 23.
Name the regions A and B on the map where farming began.

34 / 53

2 ½ centuries is equivalent to ….

35 / 53

The correct order of development of creatures from Early Stone
Age to Late Stone Age is ....

36 / 53

In which stage did man discover better tools for hunting?

37 / 53

Which giant reptile does chart B above refer to?

38 / 53

Study Charts A and B below and answer questions 16 to 17.
According to chart A, about how many years ago did life begin in the sea?

39 / 53

Correct and more accurate information about the past can be gathered by using ....

40 / 53

Which one of the following factors does not affect the location of an industry?

41 / 53

Which of the power sources shown on the pie chart is renewable?Coal

42 / 53

Which of the following industrial activities is an example of a primary industry?

43 / 53

Study the pie chart below and answer questions 11 and 12.
What percentage makes up wood fuel?

44 / 53

Why has Zambia not benefited fully from the mining industry?

45 / 53

Which other province is copper mining in Zambia apart from Copperbelt?

46 / 53

The effect of rural-urban migration on rural areas leads to ….

47 / 53

Which of the following is not a reason for carrying out a national census? To ....

48 / 53

Which tourist site on the map is a bird sanctuary?

49 / 53

Study the map below and answer questions 5 and 6.
Which tourist site on the map has the following activities; canoeing, white
water rafting, bungee jumping and water safaris?

50 / 53

The name of the crop which is both commercial and subsistence on the chart is ....

51 / 53

Study the pie chart below and answer questions 3 and 4.
Which crop ranks second on the pie chart after the main crop?

52 / 53

Why does the Luangwa valley receives low rainfall? It ....

53 / 53

Study the map below and answer question 7.
What name is given to the sets of lines drawn on the map labelled X?

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