Grade 7 - 6 e-learning - best material for Primary:

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Grade 7 - 6 ECZ Examination Grading and Certification

Grading and Certification:

  1. Introduction:
    The Grade 6 Composite Examination is an examination administered to candidates at the end of the Six year primary education cycle. It is referred to as a “composite” examination because the scores for Seven subjects are aggregated into a single score. The examinations is also used for placement into Eighth Grade. Only candidates who meet the set  cutoff points are given admission into the secondary school of their choice.

    Only 6 subjects are examined at this level:
    -English Language
    -Social Studies
    -Integrated Science
    -Zambian Languages
    -Creative and Technology Studies
    In addition, the examination has two intelligence tests known as Special Paper 1 (Verbal Reasoning) and Special Paper 2 (Non Verbal reasoning).

    Marking Criteria
    Responses of candidates will be shaded on optically marked read (OMR) forms that will be scanned to generate response data files. Marking schemes will be prepared and loaded to score the stored responses. 
    Each item will carry one mark and no mark will be deducted for a wrong answer. When a candidate does not provide a response to a test, answers inappropriately, e.g. lightly shading their answer, no marks will be awarded.

  2. Processing and Standardization:
    The examination is electronically marked using OMR. Through the standardisation process, the distribution of scores is fixed between 50 and 150 to provide an accurate comparison among subject scores. Standardised scored are derived by subtracting the sample mean from an individual raw score and then dividing the difference by the sample standard deviation.
  3. Administration
    To sit for the Grade 6 examination, candidates are required to register with an approved examinations center within the stipulated time.

Primary School E-learning General Guidelines:

The overarching principles for all educational endeavors, including national examinations, are derived from the policy of the Ministry of Education.  

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