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G7 creative technology studies 2019

1 / 60

Someone can get hold of your online banking details and steal money from your bank account.
This financial internet risk is called ....

2 / 60

Which one of the following is not a service?

3 / 60

The type of advertising where satisfied customers tell others about
your product is called ....

4 / 60

The correct order of stages for land preparation to construct a structure is ....

5 / 60

How is wood prepared before use?

6 / 60

What is formatting? It means changing ....

7 / 60

Orthographic projection usually shows three views namely Front, End and ....

8 / 60

Which of the following shapes could be joined to form a triangle?

9 / 60

Which risk would put the computer system and data in danger?

10 / 60

The letters A – D show the keys on a standard calculator.
What is the function of key B?

11 / 60

Mulenga constructed the polygon below. What is its name?

12 / 60

A learner wanted to make a simple circuit.
What materials was he likely to use?

13 / 60

Mary bought a cow at K2 000, she later sold at K2 800.
How much profit did she make?

14 / 60

The school tuckshop had goods for sale. In which book where
the finances recorded?

15 / 60

How many types of butt joints do we have?

16 / 60

Study the diagram below.




d ) D

17 / 60

The key marked y on the common calculator below is used for ....

18 / 60

A low body weight and a dry skin in children is a deficiency of ....

19 / 60

TECHNOLOGY STUDIES, The character shown on the computer below is aligned on the ....

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From the list below, which one is a decorative stitch? .... stitch.

21 / 60

..... is one of the fastest methods of preparing meat.

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The .... provides artificial ventilation.

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Which of the following is the correct order of the menstruation process?

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Which is the common raising agent used for making fritters?

25 / 60

The best way of cleaning a wound is to use .... water.

26 / 60

Which foods are not suitable for people living with HIV and AIDs?

27 / 60

A business person can challenge competitors by ….

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The stitch shown on the piece of cloth is a .... stitch.

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The stitch shown on the piece of cloth is a .... stitch.

30 / 60

A colander is a kitchen utensil used for ....

31 / 60

How can you preserve beans and pumpkins leaves?

32 / 60

An entrepreneur is a person who starts a business hoping to ....

33 / 60

The instrument below is used to protect the middle finger when sewing?
Name the instrument.

34 / 60

In the weekly cleaning of the bedroom. What step should come first?

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Which household pest contaminates food?

36 / 60

Which crop is not suitable to grow in the kitchen garden?

37 / 60

During puberty .... changes in boys.

38 / 60

SECTION B: HOME ECONOMICS, Which of these symbols mean, “do not wash”?





39 / 60

The best and cheap method of making water safe to drink is ....

40 / 60

What would a swimmer wear to keep the hair away from the face while swimming?

41 / 60

Using basic skills of floating, kicking legs and alternating hands
in swimming is called .... stroke.

42 / 60

Grade 7 Learners were asked by the teacher to make a basket.
Which method would not be used?

43 / 60

Which sporting activity is associated with instrument below?

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Learners sang and played musical instruments. This is called .... music.

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Bleeding from a cut on the finger can be stopped by putting on ....

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Which ethnic group is associated with the musical instrument shown below?

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In imaginative drawings, the first step is to .... the object.

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In imaginative drawings, the first step is to .... the object.

49 / 60

The diagram below represents a colour wheel. Which of the two colours
when combined will produce a tertiary colour?

50 / 60

The Learners were asked to perform different jumping skills. The diagram shows .... jump.

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A learner pulled the rope tied to the block as shown below. This is an example of ....

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Which method is best for saving a drowning person?

53 / 60

Drum beat creates ....

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Nyau dancers are practised by the .... people of Zambia

55 / 60

The musical note shown below is a ....

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A semi quaver represents .... of a crotchet

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Which of the following is not needed when making letter stencils?

58 / 60

A farmer bought a hoe, after a few days the handle was eaten up. The maker did not .... it.

59 / 60

Which set shows primary colours?

60 / 60

EXPRESSIVE ARTS: The musical scale below is incomplete, which note is missing? doh, re, mi, fa, so, … ti, doh.

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