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G7 English 2019

1 / 59

What lesson can we learn from Sipho‟s behaviour after smoking dagga?

2 / 59

After smoking, Sipho ....

3 / 59

The nurse examined Sipho. According to this passage, what does the word examined mean?

4 / 59

Sipho was taken to the clinic by his ….

5 / 59

The voice deepens.

6 / 59

Text 3
One day when Sipho was at school, he saw one of his friends smoking something. It
looked like tobacco. So, Sipho asked his friend to give him one cigarette so that he
could feel the way people who smoke tobacco feel. His friend gave him one
cigarette. He took a puff and started coughing. After a few minutes, Sipho started
running around the school shouting and chasing other learners. Then, he started to
feel dizzy and sick.
The teacher came in and asked him what was wrong. He could not tell him because
he was feeling dizzy and was panting. The teacher took Sipho to the clinic. At the
clinic the nurse examined him and told the teacher that he had smoked dagga. The
following day, he felt better. He told himself never to smoke tobacco nor dagga
because it made him feel sick.Now do questions 56 – 60

Questions 56 Which of the following diseases can one get by smoking cigarettes?

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Text 2
Children often learn about the changes at puberty and sex from their peers. They
hear myths that may confuse them and lead to risky behaviour. It is important that
children are taught about body changes before these changes take place to avoid
anxieties, teen pregnancies and risky behaviour.
There are several physical changes that take place in boys and girls during puberty.
These changes differ from child to child. Some experience these changes as early as
9 years old, while in others, these may delay up to the age of 14. Regardless when
puberty occurs, there is need to educate children nearing their adolescence about
puberty and expected behaviour.
Physical changes in boys are different from those in girls. In general, girls
experience rapid physical growth and often grow taller than boys of the same age.
Their hips widen, pubic hair appears, their breasts begin to develop and their
menstrual periods start. In boys, sex organs, pubic hair and beards grow. They also
begin to have big appetites and their voices deepen. With all these developments, it
is therefore important to be prepared mentally for such changes.
Now do questions 51 – 55

Questions 51, Who are the best people to teach children about changes that occur at

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What would be the best title for this passage?

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. According to the passage, physical changes at puberty occur at .... in boys and

10 / 59

According to the passage, which of the following physical changes is common
in both girls and boys?

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The word „expenditure‟ in the text means money ....

12 / 59

According to the passage, it is true that the money which the family received
came from ....

13 / 59

What is the importance of a budget to a family? It helps the family to ....

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Part 2: (Questions 46 – 60)
Reading Comprehension
This part has three texts with questions on each. Read each text carefully and then
look at the questions which follow. For each question, four possible answers are
given. By reading carefully, you will be able to choose which of the four is the best
answer to the question.
Text 1
Below is a budget for a family of six for the month of May, 2017. Study it carefully
and answer the questions that follow.

Questions 46, How much did the family spend on health services? They used .... hundred


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Choose the paragraph which has the sentences in the best order.

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What is the difference between the money used on rent and transport? It is ....

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Choose the paragraph which has the sentences in the best order.

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Choose the paragraph which has the sentences in the best order.

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Choose the paragraph which has the sentences in the best order.

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Part 1: Questions 39 – 45
Each question has four paragraphs. You must choose the paragraph which has the
sentences in the best order.
Choose the paragraph which has the sentences in the best order.
Now do questions 39 – 45

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Emeldah was brought up by her uncle. The underlined words mean that the
uncle .... Emeldah.

22 / 59

Perfumes are highly flammable. The word flammable means ....

23 / 59

Mwansa‟s school bag is as light as a feather. This sentence means that
Mwansa‟s school bag is ....

24 / 59

Neither Kabwita nor Likomba had their shirts stolen. This sentence means that ....

25 / 59

Neither Kabwe nor Kangwa is to blame. This sentence means that ....

26 / 59

Our father asked us to set the ball rolling. The underlined part of the sentence
means ....

27 / 59

The teacher asked Martin why he was wearing a loose pair of trousers. The
word loose in the sentence means Martin‟s pair of trousers
were ....

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Part 4: c– 38
Each question has a word, a group of words, or a sentence underlined. Below each
question are four words or parts of a sentence. Only one of these gives the right
meaning of the word or group of words underlined. You have to choose the
correct meaning.

Questions 31, Brushing our teeth regularly is very important. The word regularly means ....

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Choose the sentence which is correctly punctuate

30 / 59

Choose the sentence which is correctly punctuated.

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Choose the sentence which is correctly punctuated.

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Choose the sentence which is correctly punctuated.

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Part 3: Questions 26 – 30
In each question, there are four sentences that are almost the same, but only one
has the correct punctuation marks. Choose the sentence which is correctly

34 / 59

Her teaching was .... with photos taken during the festival.

35 / 59

Learners are encouraged to read more books in order to broaden their ....

36 / 59

We should .... adults who do not respect the privacy of boys and girls.

37 / 59

The government declared Friday as a day of national .... for our late president.

38 / 59

Part 2: Questions 21 – 25
Each question has a sentence with one word missing. Below each sentence are four
words. Choose the word that is correctly spelt.

Questions 21, A Zambian soldier has fled to a .... country.

39 / 59

The time I visited Mpulungu Harbour, I saw a .... of ships.

40 / 59

The .... of worms swept through our field.

41 / 59

She spoke so .... at the meeting.

42 / 59

Rape and defilement are the .... violations of human rights.

43 / 59

You will not win this match .... you practice a lot.

44 / 59

Nkisu .... a beautiful song last night at the concert.

45 / 59

The teacher has given us an exercise to be .... at home.

46 / 59

This book you are reading has been translated .... many languages.

47 / 59

Either Kalumba .... Chikwakwa has collected my bag.

48 / 59

.... men and women over there are waiting for a bus.

49 / 59

I have to clean the house now, .... , I cannot go with you.

50 / 59

The football match between Italy and Zambia was watched by a lot of ....

51 / 59

There is so .... dust in this room as well as outside.

52 / 59

Namwinga smiled .... at the visitors.

53 / 59

The learners were blamed .... not sweeping the classroom in time.

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The learners were blamed .... not sweeping the classroom in time.

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Part 1: Questions 1 – 20
Each question contains a sentence from which a word or group of words is missing
in the space shown. Below each sentence are four words or groups of words. Only
one of the words or group of words will make the sentence right. You have
to choose it.

Questions 1, This is the woman .... spoke about changes that occur during pubert

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Nachamba and Chitalu are sex educators. .... teach about HIV and AIDS at school.

57 / 59

Natasha did well in her examination because she .... attended all the lessons.

58 / 59

We found him being .... by unknown people.

59 / 59

The games were put .... because of the rains.

Your score is

The average score is 57%
